Prayer & Fasting

January 8th - 28th


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Matthew 5:6 NIV

Welcome to our 21 days of prayer and fasting, a time of prayer and fasting to draw closer to God and seek His Guidance, strength, and presence in our lives. Whether you are a first-time participant or a seasoned fasting veteran, we are excited to embark on this journey together. As we step into the fresh beginning of 2024, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey with our 21 days of prayer and fasting, centered around the theme of being filled.

This intentional time of fasting and prayer serves as a catalyst for resetting and realigning ourselves with God's purpose for the year ahead. Join our community in prioritizing God as we dedicate 2024 to wholeheartedly serving Him. Explore the resources on this page as a guide for a fruitful fast, and return for regular updates featuring valuable advice and links to additional materials to enhance your spiritual experience. Stay connected with us throughout the fast by clicking the link below to receive daily prayers and messages of encouragement. Let's fill our hearts and minds with the presence of God, setting the tone for a year marked by spiritual abundance and divine alignment.


Click below every Mondays at 6 AM to join us online for prayer!

Monday through Thursday, throughout the fast from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM beginning January 8th, the sanctuary will be open for individuals to pray at their own pace. Come as you are for a time of meditation and prayer. Park in the office lot and enter through the church office doors on Dussel Drive.

Morning prayer is held every Monday between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM online via zoom, and evening prayer is held between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM on Wednesdays in Studio B, all throughout the fast.

Our “Filled” 21 days of Prayer and fasting kicks off on Monday, January 8th, 2024, and ends on Sunday January 28, 2024. Over these 21 days, you are encouraged to set time aside each day for prayer, reflection, and spiritual growth. In Matthew 5:6 it states, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” 

Our Fast is a time of spiritual dedication and seeking God’s presence through a disciplined and intentional diet, both naturally and spiritually. During this fast, we are encouraged to abstain from certain foods and activities to create wholesome, plant-based, and scripture-based habits.


How you start something sets its course and plays a big role in how well it does in the long run. We want to set aside some time at the beginning of the year to pursue God on purpose as a group and as individuals. Throughout the Bible, we see both men and women praying and fasting.

Fasting is meant to bring you closer to God by taking away distractions and forcing you to depend on God for your food. During this time, we pray that you will see God in new and unfiltered ways. We think this time of fasting and praying together will strengthen your faith as a Christian.

It has less to do with eating less food and more to do with getting rid of noise and other things that get in the way. This helps us understand God better. It's about getting in the habit of focusing more of your attention on God and less on yourself.

During a fast, you should focus on listening to Jesus, meditating on and feasting on the Bible, and praying and worshipping to be in His presence more. As you become more spiritually aware and open to the Spirit during this time, your spiritual expectations will expand.


When the Bible refers to fasting, it’s all about food and restricting all or some foods for spiritual purposes. Fasting is about more than just what we eat. It is also about our spiritual lives as Christians. You would just be dieting if you didn't change anything about your spiritual life. Even though you might lose weight during this time, that's not the point.


We should be grateful for this time we can spend developing a deeper and stronger relationship with God. In Numbers 11, you’ll see that the Israelites spent their time groaning and complaining about the food they were unable to enjoy. 

Gratitude and thanksgiving to God for a deeper knowledge of who He is and all that He has done for you should be your first thought every morning.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 | Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.


The last meal or two before a fast should be carefully planned. Before beginning a fast, it is recommended that you reduce the size of your meal. Indulging in a sugar binge a day or two before a fast will only increase your cravings for sweets during the fast. You should start eating raw fruits and vegetables three days before you plan to start.

During this time, it is important to reflect on your spiritual goals. Having a goal in mind as you enter this time is helpful, whether that goal is the salvation of your loved ones, the improvement of your financial situation, or a closer walk with God. By setting a target, you can resist the urge to break the fast in the middle. While making preparations for your fast, take time to read the Bible and pray.


Confess your sins to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness. Forgive all who have offended you and ask forgiveness from those you may have offended (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3-4). Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ and reject the worldly desires that try to hinder you (Romans 12:1-2).


During the 21-days you are to only eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Avoid "choice foods" such as meat, dairy, and sugars.

All fruits and vegetables. They can be frozen, dried, juiced, or canned. (Fast Tip: eating fruits and vegetables with more color is better for you).

All nuts and seeds. If you’re feeling hungry? Grab a serving size of mixed nuts, or try eating sugar-free nut butters such as peanut butter or almond butter. You may also want to try tahini (sesame seed paste). (Fast Tip: Nuts have a higher fat content, which satiates hunger pangs).

All legumes. Legumes are black beans, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, white beans, etc. 

(Fast Tip: Incorporate hummus when meal planning. Legumes significantly replace essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, which is why you should try and consume them throughout your fast).

All quality oils, such as olive oil, canola, coconut, peanut, and sesame. (Fast Tip: use a mixture of olive oil and vinegar on mixed vegetables, legumes, and other cooked vegetables for lunch or dinner).

Liquids Drink lots of water - You can be creative and use fruits or even some vegetables to add natural flavor. Drinking juice is allowed during the fast in addition to water. You should avoid drinking beverages containing caffeine, high sugar or alcohol.

All Soy foods such as tofu, TVP (textured veg protein), and other soy products. (Fast Tip: adding tofu to your vegetable will increase the protein value and flavor of your meal).

When using condiments, try to use fresh herbs and spices whenever possible. (Fast Tip: Spices like fresh ginger help with digestion)


Whether this is your first time participating in a spiritual fast or your eleventh, spend time deciding which pace works for your spiritual and physical health*

  1. 21-Day All In fast (no meat, sugar, bread | eat fruits and vegetables, water, and juice)
  2. 21-Day Partial fast (juice & water only from 6 AM to 6 PM)
  3. 21-Day Full fast (juice and water only)
  4. Other: Choose something sacrificial that you want to give up throughout these 21 day

*Use wisdom when beginning your fast; consult with your healthcare advisor before participating.


  1. Meal planning: Plan your meals in advance to ensure you have enough variety and nutrients during the fast.
  2. Read labels: Be vigilant when shopping, as some products may contain hidden ingredients unsuitable for your chosen Fast.
  3. Home-cooked meals: Preparing meals at home allows you to control the ingredients and ensure adherence to the fast.
  4. Be mindful of your body: Listen to your body’s needs and make necessary adjustments, especially if you have specific dietary requirements or health conditions.
  5. Seek spiritual growth: While focusing on dietary restrictions, prioritize prayer, meditation, and seeking God’s presence throughout the Fast.
  6. Engage in the community: Connect with others participating in the fast, share experiences, and provide support and encouragement to one another.

Remember, this time of Prayer and fasting is not just about dietary changes; it’s an intentional time of drawing closer to God and seeking His will in your life. By following these guidelines and staying focused on your spiritual journey, you can experience a transformative and fulfilling Fast.


The fast begins on Monday, January 8th, and ends on Sunday, January 28th.


If you are new to fasting and need help figuring out where to start, do not worry. This is a perfect opportunity to begin your fasting journey. During this fast, we will abstain from certain foods and dedicate time for prayer and reflection. By following Daniel's Bible example, you can cut out meat, sweets, processed foods, and other specific items from your diet.

As a first-time participant, take this opportunity to start somewhere and commit to a level of fasting that feels comfortable for you. Remember, fasting is not about perfection but a heart posture of seeking God earnestly. Begin by setting aside time daily for prayer, reading Scripture, and meditation on God’s Word. Allow this season to be a time of drawing nearer to God, growing in faith, and discovering the joy of seeking Him wholeheartedly. 

You can follow along each day with our Guided Prayers and Spiritual meal plan to help you develop a more profound and hands-on way of easing into your fast. Connecting with a life group is also a great way to stay accountable during these next 21 days.

Click below for some additional resources for beginning your journey.


If you have experience with fasting and desire to take it to the next level, we encourage you to seek the Holy Spirit’s leading in your fast. Perhaps you have previously participated in shorter fasts or specific dietary restrictions, and now you feel ready to dive deeper.

During the 21-day fast, consider adding more focused prayer and intercession for specific areas in your life, community, and the world. You can also explore additional disciplines, such as extended times of worship, solitude, or journaling, to enhance your spiritual journey.


To those of you who consider yourself seasoned fasting veterans, welcome to a time of stretching and growth. This 21-day fast allows you to challenge yourself and press deeper into God’s presence. You may have participated in numerous fasts over the years, and now you desire to experience an even greater level of intimacy with God.

During this fast, consider a heightened level of consecration and devotion. Seek the Lord's leading for specific areas that need breakthrough and transformation. Dedicate time for intense prayer, seeking God’s heart for revival and His kingdom purposes. As you abstain from certain foods, consider fasting from other distractions or activities that hinder your focus on God.

Regardless of your experience level, let this time of prayer and fasting be a transformative season in your spiritual journey. May we all draw near to God with open hearts and minds, ready to encounter His presence and experience the power of prayer and fasting in our lives.

Let us join together in unity and expectation, anticipating God’s faithfulness and trusting that as we seek Him, we will find Him. May this 21-day fast be a time of breakthrough, revival, and spiritual growth for each of us.

Each day during the fast, tune in to our podcast for daily guided prayer. This will be a time focused on a specific topic that will walk you through prayer and meditation each day. Download our podcast here, or click below to listen now.

We invite you to enjoy music during your fast that will prompt reflection, adoration, and gratitude. May you find it uplifting and refreshing during this time in God.

Click To Download